弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页


弗吉尼亚理工大学 现场录取

现场录取 is a service provided by the Office of Undergraduate 招生 at 弗吉尼亚理工大学 to area high schools that allows for an early application review and decision.


The high schools included in those service areas are located in the New River Valley and Roanoke Valley of Southwest Virginia, 包括:

  • 布莱克斯堡高中
  • Christiansburg High School
  • Craig County High School
  • Eastern Montgomery High School
  • 奥本高中
  • 普拉斯基高中
  • 弗洛伊德高中
  • 缩小高中
  • 贾尔斯高中
  • 雷德福高中
  • Dayspring Christian Academy
  • Southwest Virginia Governor's School
  • Roanoke Valley Governor's School
  • Patrick Henry High School
  • William Fleming High School
  • Cave Spring High School
  • Hidden Valley High School
  • 北侧高中
  • 格伦瓦尔高中
  • William Byrd High School
  • 塞勒姆高中
  • Lord Botetourt High School
  • James River High School
  • 北十字学校
  • Roanoke Catholic School
  • 基督教学校

Criteria to participate

学生 must be academically prepared to attend 弗吉尼亚理工大学 in the major they select. Although the review is holistic, taking into consideration several attributes, there are minimum requirements to participate in onsite admission, 包括:

  • 至少3.5 cumulative GPA (with no Ds or Fs and minimal Cs)
  • evidence of college-level work with attempting an advance curriculum (either through honors, AP, 双录取, 或IB课程)及
  • have met with either a school counselor or admissions counselor to finalize major selection for the 弗吉尼亚理工大学 application.

Deadline to participate

In order to receive an early notification of admission, a completed application must be received by end-of-day on  10月7日星期一. Your accompanying academic materials are due by 10月10日星期四. 学生 can apply with CommonApp found on our 应用页面.


Decisions will be placed in the mail by 见好就收.

While counselors will not need to provide a list of students to be considered, a list would be helpful by 10月7日星期一 to ensure no student is missed. Our office will review all students from the qualified school who completed the application by the deadline to be considered for onsite admission. A request to meet with you to discuss applicants will be scheduled in 10月中旬. A list of student application decisions will be provided to you by 见好就收.

For more information, please contact admissions@cargraphicsuk.com.